Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine Distinct Program in Food Safety and Quality

Program Vision and mission:

The college is committed to graduating a veterinarian familiar with veterinary medical sciences, distinguished in food safety and quality locally, regionally and globally.

Objectives of the program:

The program mainly aims to:

Developing and introducing new fields of health control and food safety in accordance with international standards in the Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Sciences program and placing graduates in competition with international levels, as well as developing graduates’ skills with appropriate training in specialized sites, whether locally, regionally or internationally, in order to keep pace with international standards.

Program Advantages:

  1. This program is characterized by ensuring the graduation of qualified and distinguished veterinarians in the field of food health and safety, which is one of the most important branches of life and the most dangerous fields of interest to all members of society at the local and international levels, and these are the various fields related to food health, especially those of animal origin and their safety. It should be noted that approximately eighty billion dollars are spent annually on the global level in the field of food health and safety. For example, in the United States of America, approximately 76 million cases of disease caused by food epidemiology appear annually, of which approximately three hundred thousand cases are admitted to hospitals, and deaths may reach five thousand cases annually. As for here in Egypt, there are many problems arising in the field of food health and safety in places of catering in schools, university cities, hotels, hospitals, tourist places and various gatherings. Where we look daily in all newspapers and news about the outbreak of diseases during public events as Easter and various holidays as a result of food contamination and the lack of health conditions for its circulation. Therefore, Egypt, like other developed countries, was concerned with protecting the consumer and his health through strict control of different foods, starting with their collection, transportation, storage and its circulation, through good monitoring of the issuance of standards and standard specifications for all products, especially animal ones, which are a major cause of the spread of diseases. The state has actively sought to bring together the various bodies in one body, which is the (Food Safety Authority).

  2. Studying in the various faculties of veterinary medicine covers many specializations, including monitoring food health and safety, but under the current circumstances, the veterinarian is graduated, who is well versed in the various fields of veterinary medicine branches and has limited experience in the field of food safety, which is refined After that in the form of specialized studies in this field until he is qualified to carry out the work entrusted to him. Therefore, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University sought to launch this program specialized in the field of food health and safety, which would enable the veterinarian to become trained in many skills and give him challenges to control food and food safety in all the different ports and sectors of the state. Thus, the specialized veterinarian becomes one of the main mayors in this field, on which the specialized bodies in food safety are built, based on the fact that most foodborne diseases are transmitted through foods of animal origin, such as meat, poultry, fish, oils, dairy and other products that require graduates with special knowledge in this field.

  3. Due to the labor market’s need for such a graduate, a group of elite professors specialized in this field from veterinary medicine, agriculture, human medicine, the Faculty of Tourism, Law and Commerce, the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, faculty of sciences, the Institute of Nutrition and Home Economics, and some of the Ministries and bodies concerned with food health, such as the laboratories of the Ministry of Health, the Animal Health Research Institute, the laboratories of the Export and Import Authority, the laboratories of quality control at the Ministry of Industry and Agriculture, and those interested in this in the field of tourism. will teach in this special program. Thus, the program has been designed using the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education, as well as the standards of the World Organization for Animal Health, to ensure a distinguished veterinarian in this field, so that graduates are qualified to assure food health and safety to ensure their conformity with local and international standards to provide safe food. In addition, the ability of these specialized graduates to participate in quality management work (ISO 22000 Food Safety, ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 14000 Environmental and ISO 17000 Equipment) as well as in revision, examination and auditing after passing the initial requirements and courses

Bachelor's degree requirements:

The duration of the program is six years (five levels + one year training)

To obtain a bachelor's degree, must complete:

A - All compulsory courses (73) courses equivalent to (190) credit hours.

B - Elective courses (5 courses) equivalent to 8 credit hours.

C - Passing the training programs in attendance, training, examination, and accepting the graduation research.

The general grade in the bachelor’s degree is calculated on the basis of the cumulative grade for the grades obtained by the student in all the compulsory and elective courses he studied.


The first-level courses (first and second semesters) are registered with a minimum of 12 credit hours and a maximum of 25 credit hours. The summer semester can also be registered with a maximum of 12 credit hours. The student applies to register the courses if he meets the registration requirements for each course, the most important of which is success in the eligible courses. Consultation with the academic advisor and on the dates specified for the registration timing and rules which are issued by the College Council annually and published in the Student Handbook. The registration is not considered final until after paying the educational service dues for each semester.

Terms of modification, cancellation and suspension of registration

The student has the right to change courses in which he was registered with others within two weeks of the start of study in both the first and second semesters, taking into account the conditions of registration. The student has the right to stop enrollment or withdraw from a course within 3 weeks at most, and the value of the financial dues will not be refunded after that. As for the summer semester, the student has the right to withdraw from the courses within two weeks at most, without prejudice to the minimum registration hours.


You can find the course objective & course content by clicking on the course code. & No.

First Level

Study plan for the first and second semesters, First level
The great end of the score Registration requirements Number of credit hours Course Name Course code and number Semester Level
Total Practical Theoretical
50 - 2 - 2 English Language & Terminology لغة انجليزية و تعريفات NDC. 111 First Semester First Level
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Biology (Zoology) بيولوجيا (علم الحيوان) NDC. 112
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Biophysics فيزياء حيوي NDC. 113
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Anatomy (A) تشريح (أ) ANA. 114
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Histology (A) خلية و انسجة (أ) CHI. 115
350 12 4 (10) 8 Total number of credit hours per week in the first semester
100 - 3 1 (2) 2 Chemistry كيمياء NDC. 121 Second Semester
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Genetics and Genetic Improvement وراثة و تحسين وراثي NDC. 122
100 - 2 1 (2) 1 Computer & Statistical Analysis حاسب آلي و تحليل إحصائي NDC. 123
100 ANA. 114 4 1 (3) 3 Anatomy (B) تشريح (ب) ANA. 124
50 CHI. 115 3 1 (3) 2 Histology (B) خلية و انسجة (ب) CHI. 125
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Information technology & food استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات فى الاغذية NDC. 126
450 16 6 10 Total number of credit hours per week in the second semester
800 28 10 18 The total number of credit hours in the first level per week
50 1 - 1 General Elective Course

Second Level

Study plan for the first and second semesters, Second level
The great end of the score Registration requirements Number of credit hours Course Name Course code and number Semester Level
Total Practical Theoretical
100 NDC. 121 3 1(2) 2 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology كيمياء حيوية و بيولوجيا جزيئية BIC. 211 First Semester Second Level
100 ANA.124 - CHI.125 3 1 (3) 2 Physiology (A) فسيولوجيا(أ) PHY. 212
50 NDC. 123 2 1 (2) 1 Veterinary Economics اقتصاد بيطري NDC. 213
100 ANA. 124 3 1 (3) 2 Anatomy (C) تشريح (ج) ANA. 214
100 - 3 1 (2) 2 Animal Welfare & Ethology (A) سلوكيات و حقوق الحيوان (أ) VHM.215
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Application of biotechnology in food تطبيقات التكنولوجية الجزيئية فى الغذاء NDC. 216
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Principles of food genetic engineering اساسيات الهندسة الوراثية بالاغذية NDC. 217
550 18 7 11 Total number of credit hours per week in the first semester
100 BIC. 211 3 1 (3) 2 Metabolism & Body Fluids الايض الغذائي و السوائل الجسمية BIC. 221 Second Semester
100 PHY. 212 4 1 (3) 3 Physiology (B) فسيولوجيا(ب) PHY. 222
100 CHI. 125 3 1 (2) 2 General Pathology باثولوجيا عام PAT. 223
100 NDC. 122 2 1 (2) 1 Animal Production انتاج حبواني NDC. 224
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Animal Welfare & Ethology (B) سلوكيات و حقوق الحيوان (ب) VHM. 225
50 BIC. 211 2 1 (2) 1 basic Molecular Biology (C) اساسيات البيولوجيا الجزينية BIC. 226
100 - 3 1 (2) 2 Management system in food establishments النظم الادارية في المنشات الغذائية NDC 227
550 19 7 12 Total number of credit hours per week in the second semester
1100 37 14 23 The total number of credit hours in the Second level per week
50 1 - 1 General Elective Course

Third Level

Study plan for the first and second semesters, Third level
The great end of the score Registration requirements Number of credit hours Course Name Course code and number Semester Level
Total Practical Theoretical
100 BIC.221 - PHY.222 3 1(2) 2 General Pharmacology أدوية عام PHA. 311 First Semester Third Level
50 BIC. 226 2 1 (3) 1 Virology (A) فيروسات (أ) VIR. 312
100 PAT. 223 3 1 (2) 2 Special Pathology باثولوجيا خاص PAT. 313
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 General Microbiology & Immunology ميكروبيولوجيا عام و مناعة MIC. 314
100 NDC. 112 3 1 (2) 2 Parasitology (A) طفيليات (أ) PAR. 315
100 BIC. 221 3 1 (2) 2 Nutrition تغذية NCN. 316
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Egg science and technology علوم وتكنولوجيا البيض FHC. 317
600 19 7 12 Total number of credit hours per week in the first semester
100 PHA. 311 3 1 (3) 2 Special Pharmacology أدوية خاص PHA. 321 Second Semester
100 VIR. 312 3 1 (2) 2 Virology(B) فيروسات (ب) VIR. 322
100 PAT. 313 3 1 (3) 2 Morbid Anatomy تشريح مرضي PAT. 323
100 MIC. 314 3 1 (2) 2 Special Microbiology ميكروبيولوجيا خاص MIC. 324
100 PAR.315 3 1 (2) 2 Parasitology(B) طفيليات (ب) PAR. 325
100 PHA. 311 3 1 (2) 2 Toxicology سموم TFM. 326
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Hygiene of food establishments صحة المنشأت الغذائية FHC 327
650 20 7 13 Total number of credit hours per week in the second semester
1250 39 14 25 The total number of credit hours in the Third level per week

Fourth Level

Study plan for the first and second semesters, Fourth level
The great end of the score Registration requirements Number of credit hours Course Name Course code and number Semester Level
Total Practical Theoretical
50 - 2 1 (3) 1 General Medicine طب عام MID. 411 First Semester Fourth Level
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Forensic Medicine & Vet. Ethics طب شرعي و آداب المهنة TFM. 412
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Veterinary Epidemiology اوبنة بيطرية VHM.413
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Clinical Pathology باثولوجيا اكلينيكية CPA. 414
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Veterinary Hygiene (A) صحة بيطرية (أ) VHM.415
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Milk Hygiene (A) رقابة صحية علي الألبان (أ) FOH. 416
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Fish Diseases & Management امراض الاسماك و رعايتها FDM. 417
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Food management systems نظم ادارة سلامة الغذاء FHC. 418
600 20 8 12 Total number of credit hours per week in the first semester
100 MID. 411 3 1 (3) 2 Special Medicine (A) امراض باطنة خاص (أ) MID. 421 Second Semester
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Clinical Nutrition (B) تغذية اكلينيكية (ب) NCN.422
100 - 4 1 (3) 3 General Surgery & Anesthesiology and Radiology جراحة عام و تخدير و أشعة SAR. 423
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Gynecology (A) تناسل (أ) THE. 424
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Vet. Hygiene & Herd health (B) صحة بيطرية و صحة قطيع (ب) VHM. 425
50 FOH. 416 2 1 (2) 1 Milk Hygiene & Technology (B) رقابة صحية (تكنولوجيا الالبان) (ب) FOH. 426
50 MID.411 - CPA. 414 1 1 (3) - Clinical Diagnosis & Animal Therapeutics (Medicine & Infectious Diseases) تشخيص إكلينيكي و علاج حيوان (باطنية و معدية) MID.427
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Food Safety and Quality Management systems نظم اداره الجوده و السلامه فى الاغذيه FHC. 428
50 FHC 416 2 1 (2) 1 Milk and milk product preservation حفظ الالبان و منتجاتها FHC. 429
50 2 1 (2) 1 Elective Course
- - 23 10 13 Total number of credit hours per week in the second semester
- - 43 18 25 The total number of credit hours in the Fourth level per week

Fifth Level

Study plan for the first and second semesters, Fifth level
The great end of the score Registration requirements Number of credit hours Course Name Course code and number Semester Level
Total Practical Theoretical
50 MID. 411 2 1 (3) 1 Special Medicine(B) امراض باطنة خاص (ب) MID. 511 First Semester Fifth Level
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Infectious Diseases(A) امراض معدية (أ) MID. 512
100 SAR. 423 3 1 (3) 2 Special Surgery(A) جراحة خاص (أ) SAR. 513
100 THE. 424 3 1 (3) 2 Obstetric of farm & Pet Animals توليد حيوانات المزرعة و المنزلية THE. 514
100 - 3 1 (3) 2 Poultry Diseases(A) امراض دواجن (أ) POD. 515
100 - 3 1 (2) 2 Meat Inspection (A) (ا)الرقابة الصحبة علي اللحوم FOH. 516
50 SAR. 423 1 1 (3) - Clinical Diagnosis & Animal Therapeutics (Surgery) تشخيص إكلينيكي و علاج حيوان (جراحة) SAR. 517
50 - 2 1 (2) 1 Animal by products & recycling المنتجات الحيوانية الثانوية وتدويرها FHC. 518
50 2 1 (2) 1 Elective Course
700 22 9 13 Total number of credit hours per week in the first semester
100 FOH. 516 3 1 (3) 2 Zoonosis امراض مشتركة ZOD. 521 Second Semester
50 - 2 1 (3) 1 Infectious Diseases (B) امراض معدية (ب) MID. 522
100 SAR. 423 3 1 (3) 2 Special Surgery (B) جراحة خاص (ب) SAR. 523
50 - 2 1 (3) 1 Artifical Insemination & Embryo Transfer تلقيح اصطناعي و نقل اجنة THE. 524
50 - 2 1 (3) 1 Poultry Diseases(B) امراض دواجن (ب) POD. 525
50 FOH. 516 2 1 (3) 1 Meat Inspection & Technology (B) رقابة صحية (تكنولوجيا لحوم) (ب) FOH. 526
50 THE. 424 1 1 (3) - Clinical Diagnosis & Animal Therapeutics (Theriogeneology) تشخيص إكلينيكي و علاج حيوان (تناسل و توليد و تلقيح اصطناعي) THE.527
50 FHC. 516 2 1 (2) 1 Poultry & fish meat hygiene& control الرقابة الصحية على لحوم الدواجن والاسماك FHC. 528
50 FHC. 516 2 1 (2) 1 Meat preservation حفظ اللحوم FHC. 529
50 2 1 (2) 1 Elective Course
600 21 10 11 Total number of credit hours per week in the second semester
1300 43 19 24 The total number of credit hours in the Fifth level per week
- 190 75 115 The total number of credit hours at all levels (75 courses)

N.B. you can find the course objectives and course contents of the highlighted courses Here